Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 1 - Spaghetti Squash Pizza recipe

Day 1 started out well.  I did a Les Mills Pump workout and ate a healthy breakfast - hard boiled eggs, steel cut oats and canteloupe.  Lunch was leftovers - Korean beef from last night with quinoa and steamed broccoli.  Then it happened...ate dark chocolate covered cashews and macadamia nuts in the afternoon.  Why?  Because I was bored and they were there.  Poor excuse, I know.  The good news is that I didn't let that make me eat poorly the rest of the evening.  Dinner was Spaghetti Squash Pizza and afterwards even though I felt like I needed a snack, I held off.  Yeah me!  I also managed to drink my goal of 80 oz of water today in the form of tea, vitamin water zero and plain water.

There's no more chocolate covered anything in the tomorrow should go better!!

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