Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 1 - Spaghetti Squash Pizza recipe

Day 1 started out well.  I did a Les Mills Pump workout and ate a healthy breakfast - hard boiled eggs, steel cut oats and canteloupe.  Lunch was leftovers - Korean beef from last night with quinoa and steamed broccoli.  Then it happened...ate dark chocolate covered cashews and macadamia nuts in the afternoon.  Why?  Because I was bored and they were there.  Poor excuse, I know.  The good news is that I didn't let that make me eat poorly the rest of the evening.  Dinner was Spaghetti Squash Pizza and afterwards even though I felt like I needed a snack, I held off.  Yeah me!  I also managed to drink my goal of 80 oz of water today in the form of tea, vitamin water zero and plain water.

There's no more chocolate covered anything in the tomorrow should go better!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

D-Day and Korean Beef recipe- post 0 in my fitness quest


Tomorrow is the day...the day I get back on track once again.  Hopefully this time will be the last "once again" time.  :-)  I've just returned from a Costa Rican vacation which was amazing.  The one and only downside was the few pounds that I gained while away.  Adding those pounds to the several that I have already gained over the past couple of years has been a wake up call to action.  My goal is to eat clean while also focusing on being active.  The active part has never been hard - I'm an avid fan of Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme, and any Pump workout.  The clean eating part will be my challenge.  I can usually do well for a couple of weeks and then something comes up (that's called "life" right?) and I have a million excuses for why I didn't eat clean.  Once I've deviated from the's hard to go back.

This time will be different.  I've got a short-term goal - a long weekend in Arizona, and then a bit longer goal - fit for the summer.  I've always hated going to watch my son's baseball games feeling like the chubby mom in a sea of svelte moms.  Plus it's hot in the summer and I want to be able to wear a tank top without worrying about back fat, jiggly arms and my muffin top showing.

So here's to my new fitness quest.  I don't know if anyone else will be reading this...but it will be a great diversion for me to use instead of the eating to cure my boredom, right?

Stats as of today:
height 5' 7"
weight 158.4
arm r - 11.75"
arm l - 11.25" (really, my arms are that lopsided??)
chest - 39"
waist - 33.5" (at belly button)
stomach - 36" (at widest part)
hips - 41.5" (at widest part)
thigh r - 22" (measured 3" down)
thigh l - 22.75 ( I feel seriously lopsided!!)

My goal is to lose those pants and shorts that I bought a couple of years ago will fit once again.  The scale should go down too...but I'm more interested in the inches.  We'll see what happens.

Oh - full disclosure - I went to see Divergent at the theater today...and ate movie theater popcorn.  See?  This is why I'm starting tomorrow, although tonight is Korean Beef and broccoli for dinner.  See, it's not all bad!!